Unfortunately, we do not accept returns from countries other than Turkey, due to the fact that customs duty costs for Turkey is way too expensive, even than the product itself.
We try to provide you every detail of the product with pictures, descriptions, and size charts. If you have more questions, you can send us an e-mail (info@crestaofficial.com) and we answer it in 1-2 business days.
As a brand, we stand behind the quality of every product we sell, and we hope all of you will be also satisfied with them! When preparing your order, we go through the item you ordered all over again to make sure the product does not have any kind of flaw. So we ship to you only the perfect quality products.
All of our products are covered by a warranty for 1 year against material and workmanship defects.
If your product covered by this warranty fails due to a manufacturing defect, we will repair or replace the product for free. This only applies to the products in their original condition. This warranty does not cover the damages caused by accidental, damages due to negligence, wear and tear over time, or natural fading of the fabric, or deterioration of colors and materials during prolonged used.
Damages not covered by the warranty, can be repaired for a reasonable fee if requested, and the return fee will be charged. Our warranty policy requires that products accepted for repair should be clean. Fees will be evaluated if there is a need for cleaning of the product you sent, or it can be returned to you back without repairing anything.
Product | Date | Expire | Download |
Haven - Free Real Estate PSD Template | Aug 22, 2018 | Yes | Download File |
HasTech - Profolio Business Template | Sep 12, 2018 | Never | Download File |
Alex Tuntuni
1355 Market St, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94103
Mobile: (123) 456-7890
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